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Wet Touch
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Wet Touch
Wet Touch
Book 1:Beocraft
Jeffrey Ogochukwu
Copyright © 2012 Jeffrey Ogochukwu
All rights reserved.
ISBN: 9798632938877
I solely dedicate this work to God Almighty.
To my mum, all this hard work is all for you
Chapter one: eighteen years later
Chapter two: the unfortunate
Chapter three: a vision
Chapter four: introducing Derik
Chapter five: a kind gesture
Chapter six: burning house
Chapter seven: black birds
Chapter eight: the letter ‘c’
Chapter ten: the masked man
Chapter eleven: a hopeless end
Chapter twelve: revenge
Chapter thirteen: sweet taste of love
Chapter fourteen: burning desire
Chapter fifteen: a journey to the past
Chapter sixteen: Beocraft
Chapter seventeen: a drop of fear
Chapter eighteen: the second encounter
Chapter nineteen: the pictures on the wall
Chapter twenty: losing his mind
Chapter twenty one: afraid to believe
Chapter twenty two: Natasha’s mum
Chapter twenty three: another body found
Chapter twenty four: April rain
Chapter twenty five: tension rising
Chapter twenty six: the eye of a wolf
Chapter twenty seven: something in the dark
Chapter twenty eight: a shadow
Chapter twenty nine: dark stain of blood
Chapter thirty: happy death day
About the author
My appreciation goes to IK,
That guy never stopped believing in me even when I saw nothing in myself.
To my uncle, Elias Ndochi, who never wants me to just settle for the best but the best of the best.
Even though he is far away from me, I still feel his impact.
Thank you, uncle.
…moving past the people that had gathered there up to the fore front, his heart felt heavy when he saw little innocent Mirabel lying there on the floor hideously disfigured. Her chest had been torn open. She had multiple stab wounds on her body and several cuts on her face. Kevin felt his knee grow weak.
It wasn’t supposed to end like this… His lips trembled
It was a cold evening when the sun had completely set and the silver moon rest on the dark skies. It gave off a soft gleam down on the dark lonely streets of fallout city.
A lady wearing a silk white dress gently held a little baby fast asleep in her arms. She pats him while he slept swinging her body periodically to the rhythm of the song she was humming. She looked down lovingly at his big check, a wide smile then appeared across her face.
Suddenly the candle light sitting on the table beside her went off. The doors quickly opened and the wind from the cold evening breeze blew into the house. A tall Caucasian male rushed into the house like he was being chased by something outside.
He quickly shut the door and then locked it. His chest was heaving rapidly as he stood there behind the door breathing really hard and fast trying to catch his breath.
“Sinclair?” the lady call out to him, really surprised to see him.
“Quick, Rebecca! Park your things. We have to leave now” he paused to gasp for air.
“Why? What’s wrong?” she asked looking so confused at him. “who’s after you?” she looked through the window still trying to understand what`s going on.
“Rebecca, we don’t have much time. Just grab your things, I’d explain on the way.” He quickly packed his things into a big bag and then he stopped when he suddenly remembered something.
“Where is Phineus?”
“He is still out in the field playing with the kids downhill---“
“What?” he exclaimed.
Suddenly the howl of an anguished Wolf echoed through the cold silent night. For a several seconds, they both stared quietly at each other with fear in their eyes.
“OMG, It’s T-Rex, He is here” Sinclair said with a shaky voice. He did not hide his fright.
Rebecca quickly handed the little baby she held in her arms over to him. She tried to reach for the door but Sinclair quickly grabbed her arm holding her back.
“No Rebecca.”
“Phineus is still out there. I have to save him.” she cried.
“NO!” he wouldn’t let her leave. “If you go out there, you will die!”
She cried “-but Phineus is still outside, if I don’t go now, T-Rex will kill him!”
He placed the baby gently on the bed. He placed both his hands on her shoulder, and then he spoke to her gently trying to calm her down.
“If you go out there…” He said, gesturing towards the door “…you will die.”
He held her hands as thou he was begging her and then he said in a shaky voice. “We have to go now.”
Sinclair sounded scared out of his mind. She sobbed, her check wet with tears.
They both heard a loud thud outside the house, followed by the sound of footstep approaching the door. They both stood there staring at the door.
Something hard slammed against the door and it fell flat on the ground.
A mean looking man stood there at the door with a straight face looking at them both. The cold look on his white skinned face sent a chill down Sinclair’s spine making him shiver in fear.
Sinclair noticed the blood stains on his lip. He was totally heartbroken as he called out his son’s name weakly.
T-Rex pulled out his tongue and licked the blood of his lips. His eyes fell on the little boy fast asleep the bed. A wicked grin appeared on his face.
“Quick Rebecca, take the boy and get the hell out of here.”
“No!” Rebecca cried “he’d kill you”
“He’d kill all of us if you don’t go now with the boy.”
T-Rex pulled out a small knife from his coat. He pulled out his tongue to lick the irregular edge of the blade.
“Go now!” Sinclair let out a shrill cry.
Rebecca took the child from the bed and ran out of the house making scared noises as she ran. She held the child close to her chest while she ran as fast as her legs could carry her. Her hands were shaking in fear as she ran.
She stopped running when she heard Sinclair screaming loudly in pains. She whimpered as she looked back at the house. Her lips were trembling.
The child started crying in her arms, she tried to comfort him. Even though she was a mile away from the house, she could still hear Sinclair screaming loudly in pains. The screaming intensified for several seconds, and then it suddenly stopped.
She covered her mouth with her palms as she gently sobbed.
T-Rex killed him!
She whimpered with the child crying in her arm. She couldn’t move any longer. Her legs were too weak to carry her any further. She just sat down on the floor to cry.
“I’m so sorry” she cried looking down at the child in her arms.
She laid him behind one of the trees and covered tree branches around him to conceal him. She then stood up and wiped off her tears with her arms. “I swear I won’t let him get you”
She suddenly felt the pains and sadness leaving her. At that point nothing else mattered to her, not even her own life. She was willing to die just so her son could live. She heard the tree branches rustling behind her making her animal senses fully active and alert.
Turning to see what had caused the rustling,
she gasped when she saw Sinclair hanging from T-Rex’s hands. He was barely alive.
Sinclair was bleeding profusely on the head and on his mouth. His mouth was severely damaged and bleeding out.
“I couldn’t let him die just yet” T-Rex mumbled coldly “…at least not without you watching.”
Rebecca covered her mouth with her palms. She broke down in tears as she watch T-Rex pushed his hands into the opened wound on Sinclair’s chest and then brought out a piece of his internal organ.
Sinclair was barely breathing. He found no strength to express his pains anymore. He hung from T-Rex’s hand looking weakly at the floor. His face was colored in his own blood.
Rebecca just stood there watching with her palms pressed against her lips. T-Rex had a wicked grin flashing across his face as he pull Sinclair’s arteries slowly out through his chest.
The grin on T-Rex’s face showed he enjoyed every bit of the torture. Blood spilled over Sinclair’s chest.
He poked his finger on Sinclair’s chest staining the tip of his finger with his blood, and then he rubbed it on his tongue.
Rebecca threw her face away in disgust. A thin line of fresh tears flowed from her eyes down her check. Sinclair watched in horror as his body was being torn apart while he was still alive.
He shut his eyes at the sharp pains he felt. Thick blood flowed slowly down his chest.
Sinclair didn’t die until T-Rex forcefully pulled his heart through his chest. He crushed the organ with his hands making blood and water gush out of it.
Rebecca quickly turned her face away. She sobbed as she slowly turned to see what was left of Sinclair’s body. His body organ were all scattered all around him.
Sinclair’s eyes were widely open in a disturbing manner staring painfully into an empty space while he lay there lifeless on the ground with his mouth open expressing the unimaginable anguish pain he experienced just before he died.
She couldn’t imagine the pains Sinclair had to endure before he finally gave up.
“Where is the boy?” T-Rex finally turn ask her in a low audible voice
“GO TO HELL!” she yelled so loudly almost crying.
T-Rex scoffed.
“Do you really want to die like this?” He gestured towards Sinclair’s body lying on the floor with his guts hanging out.
“In just a few minute, your husband’s body would serve as food for the creatures that walk this street. Do you really want the same fate to befall you?”
She was crying yet at the same time really angry. She glared at him. “You’d have to kill me before I let you lay a hand on my son, you bastard!”
“Very well then…” he twisted his neck to crack it “…we’ll have it your own way”
Her hands folded slowly into a tight fist. She couldn’t understand where all this courage had come from but she felt no fear facing the T-Rex even after watching him disemboweled her husband.
She drew strength from the desire to keep her son alive.
Before she could even stop to think, T-Rex was already onto her with his sharp claws opened to tear her flesh apart but she was quick to respond. She punched him hard on the gut sending him crashing back into the tree behind him.
T-Rex quickly got up with a grin on his face, “not bad…” he said, sounding calm.
Her chest was heaving rapidly as she stood there before him. She was breathing really fast and hard.
The next instance, T-Rex clutches his hands around her neck and then slammed her hard against one of the tree barks.
Pressing her neck hard against the tree, he said “now am going to ask again, where is the boy?” his voice sounded dangerously low as he lifted her slowly off the ground.
She wiggled her feet as she was lifted off the ground. She let out a chocking sound. A line of blood flowed from her lips. Her lips curved into a faint smile leaving T-Rex with a puzzled look on his face.
“Do you want to know what really makes me happy?” she managed to say amidst the pain from being held by the neck.
“…I am going to die, knowing you would never lay a hand on my baby boy.”
Just then, a soft cry of an infant pierced out from behind the branches. Her eyes widened in deep horror. The wicked grin on T-Rex’s face slowly appeared again as he slowly turn to look in the direction from which he had heard the cry. Then he returned his gaze to her.
She was already sobbing, all the strength she’d found had left her.
“Please T-Rex, I am begging you... don’t hurt him.”
T-Rex tightened his grip around her neck making her gasp for air.
“…too bad there’d be no one to watch how I torture you” He quickly let go of her. Rebecca dropped on the floor. She rubbed her neck quickly gasping for air.
“… but I’d make sure you watch as I rip the boy’s heart apart.”
Then he turned away and started walking towards where he’d heard the cry. There he saw the little infant fast asleep at the foot of the tree where Rebecca had hid him.
Just when he bent to pick him up, he was restrained by Rebecca’s grip on his right foot which made him to stumble.
He quickly swung his left leg and kicked her really hard on the face burying her face into the ground.
She slowly get up, her face mixed with blood and mud. Her grip was still strong on his leg. She didn’t want to let go.
Rebecca had a pitiful look on her face as she looked up at T-Rex hoping to gain his sympathy.
Almost immediately, his fist crushed on her face and the impact sent her spinning backward.
She was slowly starting to lose consciousness. She was conscious enough to watch T-Rex pick her son up from where she’d left him.
T-Rex took the little boy in him his arm and then he walked slowly towards her.
Rebecca could barely tell if her little boy was awake or fast asleep in his arms. Her vision had been blurred from the sweat and blood that covered her face.
Suddenly the boy started crying from the discomfort he felt from being carried by T-Rex.
She felt the urge to fight, not for herself but for little boy. She’d gladly die if by any chance her son will get to live. But her strength failed her when she tried to get up. She felt sharp pains on every inch of her body which made her collapse back on the floor.
“Cute child, don’t you think” T-Rex said, poking the child in his arms
“Please…” Rebecca cried helplessly, “…please, don’t hurt him. Break me, torture me, hurt my soul, do whatever you want with me but just let the boy live. I am begging you.”
T-Rex ignored her plea “what’s his name?” T-Rex asked poking his soft chin.
“He hasn’t ….” Rebecca was having difficulty breathing “he hasn’t been named yet.”Blood spilled from the wound T-Rex had inflicted on her neck.
He looked down at the child in his arm
“He reminds me so much of my little brother…” he let out a wicked grin “… who suffered a brutal torture at my hands just before he died”
T-Rex crouched to look at Rebecca in the face, he sounded dead serious as he spoke.
“Do you know I had to stitch my brother’s eye wide open while I was torturing him so he could see every single thing I did to his body. I didn’t let him blink even for a second.”
Hate… Rebecca was consumed with hatred for him. His breath poured on her face as he spoke so closely.
“…and when I finally removed gag from my brother’s mouth, I asked him if he had anything to say to appreciate the beauty of my work on him. God, you should see how beautifully I carved his flesh out.”
T-Rex moved really close to her and asked “…and do you know exactly what he said to me?”
Rebecca had no interest in what he was saying, she wept when she saw how her son cried in his arms from the way he was carried. T-Rex’s claws had dug into his soft tender skin and blood rolled down.
“He said I beg you, let me just die” T-Rex said and suddenly began to laugh in an insane way which made
the child in his arm cry.
“Shuu shuu shuu shuu, hush now Kevin” T-Rex said to calm him down.
“Kevin?” Rebecca cried
“You said he had no name, I just gave him one. After all, he’d died just as my little brother did.”
“No…” Rebecca shrieked.
“He won’t die today thou, too bad you won’t live long enough to see the day I torture him”
He then slit her throat open. Rebecca gasped sharply holding her neck with both her hands. Her mouth was left wide open as she struggled to speak.
”don’t let him suffer… for too long… after you’ve tortured him.” Rebecca chocked and coughs.
“…just give him a quick death.”
Her world went dark, then she collapsed on the floor, dead, beside her husband. Her both eyes were open when she died.
The little boy’s cry filled the air.
The car engine died out and the door swing open. The foot of a fair skinned teenager stepped out the door onto the titled floor.
It was a hot Monday morning.
The sun shining brightly on her made her skin look as though they glitter. She quickly took off her dark sunglasses to survey her environment.
“Feels great to be back.” she sounded excited.
“Just call me if you need anything.” A masculine voice spoke from inside the car.
“Oh come on dad, I can handle myself.”
The car engine roars to life. “Have a great day, sweetie”
“Bye Dad!”
“Bye honey.”
She stood still for a moment watching him drive away until he was completely out of sight. She turned towards the school gate with her note pad which she held tightly to her chest and her school bag which hang from her shoulder.
She was greeted with a smile at the school gate by her long time classmate and best friends, Dreda and Madelia.
Natasha walked up to them with a genuine smile on her face. When she came upon them both, she braced herself for a hug. Madelia threw herself on Tasha. “So good to see you back in school.”